People are stupid. Seriously.
My parking garage has a single driveway that feeds two gates. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY there is a line of chumps waiting to get in the garage. Why? Because like lemmings they all feel the need to line up at the same gate. Failing, apparently to realize that if there are two gates, two cars can slide in at once! The novelty!
Sometimes, for fun, I sit at the gate and pretend like I don't know how to make my card work, just to see if they'll wait patiently behind me rather than break rank and move to the other gate.
Because I'm an asshole.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Everyone Else is Doing it!
Or so says Miss Thystle 3 little kittens say Meow
Labels: America the Beautiful, Thystleness
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A Ranting We Shall Go
Why the hell are some people such big whiny babies? NOT ME. I wasn't talking about me, though if you'd been at my house the last few days you'd be all "well you SHOULD be, Whiny McWhiner" and then I'd cry. Because that's how whiners deal with shit. They whine some more.
One of the things I do is make the kitchen duty list. Everyone gets a turn. Today Chief Whiner was all "Where's YOUR name on the list" so I pointed it out and he's all "why is it only on there once, mine is on there twice?" Listen, ManBitch, my name is only on there once because I do kitchen duty every fucking day. Any time someone else has a meeting, is off, forgets or just doesn't bother I do the kitchen. Sure, it can be argued it's part of my job to keep an eye on the kitchen, but KEEPING AN EYE ON IT and standing in as your mother because you never learned to put a cup in the dishwasher are NOT the same thing. Don't believe me? I DON'T CARE, I make the fucking list and if you whine any more I'm putting your name on it every other week. Don't like that? SUCK IT.
Seriously, the next person that whines "it's not fair" at me is getting punched in the throat.
Or so says Miss Thystle 1 little kittens say Meow
Labels: Help Me Baby Jesus, Thystleness, wtf
Friday, July 15, 2011
Tap. Tap. Tap.

Just kidding. That's us with our attendants, Vodka and Jameson's. They've been such good friends to us over the years, it was important that they got to be part of the wedding.
Or so says Miss Thystle 4 little kittens say Meow
Labels: Thystleness