I have a confession. It's the kind of confession that I am loathe to make, as I fear that it will cause you my imaginary Internet friends to judge me with the same harshness in which I have judged others.
I would offer an explanation for my actions, but they would merely be excuses and there is no excuse that will excuse what I have done. My house was not on fire, there was no baby unicorn in need of mouth to mouth, the ice cream truck was not handing out hundred dollar bills; I just did it because I could and I am so very sorry.
I left the house wearing leggings as pants.

I understand if we have to break up now.
5 little kittens say Meow:
tsk tsk tsk....What are we gonna do with you??
Your just showing off your new work out legs is all
I think you just wanted us to see your hot sandals.
Yeah. That is it.
You crack me up everytime I come here! Love the shoes and the leggins are stylin!
hugs - Tiff
I forgive you. I know retro is in. I wore leggings in the...80's. GASP. I know, I know. But it's OK.
By the way, you never write, you never visit, don't you love me anymore? :(
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